Floyd Elzinga
"West Wind Series"
5" x 56"
Primarily inspired by the natural world, Elzinga frequently uses to reference aspects of agriculture, politics and religion. "I am drawn to explore, highlight, and create objects and ideas that embody polar opposites and as a result, a strong dualist theme is present in my work. I have been exploring the tradition of landscape painting through non-traditional materials and techniques; my recent works are sculptural metal reliefs focused on broken landscapes and portraits of trees."
"What began as a simple and campy reference to works by the Group of Seven spawned a series of pieces emphasizing anthropomorphized trees. I am inspired by the tenacity and resiliency in trees as they grow under constant and relentless stress. I use the structure and shape of trees as a metaphor. I create portraits of trees that highlight strength in spite of torturous prevailing conditions. Rotten stumps, wind flagged branches, invasive species, and wind ravaged trees capture and illustrate the essence of both gentle and destructive forces."