Saila Pudlat (1948- )
"Untitled" (Mother and Children)
Cape Dorset
7" x 4” x 9"
Provenance: Private Toronto Collection; purchased from Gallery Elca London, Montreal QB in 1988
Saila preferred working with soapstone. In addition to carving Saila enjoyed hunting and fishing.
- Arctic Forms - Inuit Sculpture, Arctic Inuit Art Gallery
- Cape Dorset, Robertson Galleries
- Cape Dorset Sculpture, Atlantic Galleries
- Cape Dorset: Recent Sculpture, Gallery of the Arctic
- Immaginario Inuit Arte e cultura degli esquimesi canadesi, Galleria d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea
- Inuitkunst - Kunst Der Eskimo, Linden - Museum
- Kunstwerke der Inuit, Presented by CreARTion, Eppstein in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Association of Canadian Studies at the Hotel am Badersee
- The Inuit Imagination, Winnipeg Art Gallery
- The Inuit Print and Sculpture 1960-1980, Westdale Gallery
- Dennos Museum Center, Northwestern Michigan College, Traverse City
- University of Lethbridge Art Gallery, Lethbridge