MADELAINE WARD (1934 - 2014)

Madelaine Ward (1934 - 2014) is a Canadian impressionist born and educated in England, where she received Distinction in Art throughout high school and college. In 1963, she emigrated to Canada, settling in Dundas, Ontario. Over the years, her work has been accepted in numerous juried shows and is included in private and corporate collections in Canada and U.S.A. i.e. the Workmen’s Compensation Board (Toronto), Hamilton Automobile Club and the McMaster Faculty Club. She has been represented for many years by the Art Gallery of Hamilton (Sales and Rentals), was a founding and long time member of the Carnegie Gallery in Dundas and a regular contributor to the Dundas Valley School of Art annual auction including works accepted for live auction. Her estate is now represented by Earls Court Gallery. The following is a select list of exhibitions: 2015 A Retrospective, Earls Court Gallery (solo) 2013 Mother/Daughter show (w/ Frances Ward), AGH (two man) Chasing Rainbows, Carnegie Gallery, Dundas (solo) 2012 Travelling Light, St. James Church, Dundas (solo) 2009 A Search For Truth, St. James Church, Dundas (solo) 2008 A Retrospective, Carnegie Gallery (solo) 2006 Ripples & Reflections continued…St. James Church, Dundas (solo) 2005 Ripples & Reflections (photographs), Dofasco Gallery, DVSA (solo) 2003 Filling Space, St. James Church, Dundas (solo) 2001 Landscapes, St. James Church, Dundas (solo) 1998 McMaster University Medical Centre (group) 1997 Art in the Valley, Carnegie Gallery (group) Public Hanging, Hamilton City Centre (group) 1996 McMaster University Medical Centre (solo) 1994 McMaster University Medical Centre (solo) 1993 Across the Lake, Earl’s Court Gallery (solo) Constructions in Clay, Carnegie Gallery, (two man) 1992 Women’s Art Association, Planetree Gallery (juried group) Chagall’s, Sheraton Hotel (two man) McMaster University Medical Centre (group) 1991 GO Show (group) 1990 McMaster University Medical Centre (solo) 1988 Vases and Flowers, Carnegie Gallery (solo)\ 1987 CKOC Show (juried group) 1986 Art in the Valley (juried group) 1984 Image 84 (3D) (juried group) Designer Crafts (3D) (juried group) Art in the Valley (3D) (juried group) 1975 Pencil and Oil, Gallery Manfred (solo) 1973 Dundas Public Library (solo) 1971 Dundas Public Library (solo)