Get to know artist Cobie Cruz from 2025 exhibit "REACT, RESPOND"
1. At what point in your life did you realize that you wanted to pursue the arts professionally?
I started my career in advertising in the Philippines, but have always been interested in the arts. I started to paint in 2002 with the prodding of my dad who was himself a visual artist. I started researching abstract artists like Robert Motherwell, Jackson Pollock and Willem de Kooning. I was drawn to their styles and made them a source of inspiration for me. I started slowly by creating a couple of series developing my own style in the hopes of presenting them to several galleries in Manila. In 2004, I was fortunate to have my first art exhibit.It was my dad's wish that I continue painting even after my family and I migrated to Canada in 2005. He didn't want me to stop what I had started, so I continued creating even if it was just on a weekend or when I had spare time to paint. As a new immigrant, my priority was providing for my family and painting had to take a back seat. Before my dad passed in 2015, he made me promise to pursue painting and so I started with a series titled "The Promise" and presented it to a gallery that sold my first few paintings in Canada in 2016 and began my professional career as a visual artist here.

2. What must you do to get your ready to begin in the studio? Or how do you get past the “blank page”?
I feel fortunate that I don’t have difficulty starting a new piece. I’m usually pumped up and ready to create! I'm always excited to pick up my art tools whether finishing or starting up a painting.
3. What gets your creative juices flowing?
The bright colours surrounding me give me the urge to create. Just by looking at a magazine's pages and I spot a colourful picture or even an ad I try to translate it into my canvas. Other people's work also inspires to create.

4. Describe your artistic style in three words.
Vibrant colours, bold composition, textured layers
5. How do you determine the size of your work?
It all depends on my mood. That is why I try to have a constant supply of various sizes of canvas at all times. Sometimes galleries or clients ask for specific sizes.
6. Square vs. Rectangle. What’s your preference and why?
I love both formats. Each one presents different challenges in composition, which is one of the most vital elements in my art.

7. There is a lot of you put in these artworks. How do you practice gratitude for what you get to do?
Expressing gratitude through prayer is something I do every day.
8. Do you have any phrases or words written in your studio? What are they and why are they there?
I don't have it in my studio. But I have one that I remember all the time. It's my dad's advice (a former artist himself) telling me to "paint, paint, paint!" and not to stop exploring art!
9. What would people be surprised to learn about you?
I love woodworking. A few years ago, I wanted to learn, so I decided to teach myself by making a dining table for 6! Knowing what I know now, I probably wouldn't have started with such a big project. It wasn't perfect by any means, but we love it and have been using the table for a long time now.

10. Name something that have no monetary value that you own, but you love dearly and will keep forever.
I have a white (well, it used to be white, now it's more of a dingy grey) hoodie that I love to use while I'm painting. I have had it for years and it's full of holes and paint stains. My wife keeps threatening to throw it away. I feel superstitious about throwing it away because I've had it since I started painting and it feels like a lucky charm.

11. If you could have one of your artworks from this exhibition in a permanent art collection, which one would it be and what institution?
The Right Moment #1. MoMA.
12. What drink & food do you think is best to consume while viewing your artwork?
Chips and beer!